In each and every project, our team of experts will work closely with you from your design process to develop the optimal–aesthetic and performance-wise–building for you.
We offer technical advice and support throughout the design and construction process. From the provision of project specific details through to the creation of project specific specifications, we can help to ensure that your building performs and complies with building regulations.
- Structural, thermal, airtightness, acoustic, fire, durability and other performance requirements
- Health and safety strategies
- Envelope solutions and structure integration drawings and BIM details
- NBS / CSI envelope system specifications
- Testing, accreditation and certification
- Energy efficiency optimization and measures
- Environmental and sustainability ratings
We have a dedicated team of people on hand to help you plan and cost your project. We can support you with product costings, as well as provide guidance on complimentary system products to simplify not only on the purchase but the delivery, compatibility and the building itself.